Friday, March 20, 2015

Give back the Irish people their courage in this climate of fear.

A general election looms, not because the government are rising in the polls but because Sinn Fein are. And that is the only reason. 

When our sovereignty became permanently compromised by ‘shifty Bertie’ and drunken Biffo, people at the very least people demanded some sort of accountability. They got the bill instead. 

Since 2008 when the great fraud was finally exposed, it did not mean the con had stopped, for there was a few more deadly hands to be played, rather we were left holding a dead hand in a game of bluff.

                                                                                          Gerry Adams

Not one politician has been convicted of fraud since that time, not one developer, not one banker/gangster, nor one civil servant. The flight of the people has already  begun in deadly earnest as almost 82, 000 men, women and children left our shores last year alone because of what happened here. 

The much heralded 10% unemployment rate is the cloth that covers the new ‘employers’ that employ nothing more than indentured slaves in the laughably called ‘back to work schemes.’ These are schemes to massage the unemployment figures downwards and keep highly qualified people from rising above the €50 that is added to their unemployment benefit ‘wage.’ These are the wages of sin and little else. Yet, Kenny tells us he is well worth his €3000 a week wage while asking the people who have left Ireland to come home. To what?

90% of all newly qualified doctors and existing ones believe they will have to find better pay and conditions in another country while patient in trolleys lie moribund in the corridors of hospitals up and down the country hoping to see the few that stay. Football clubs in urban and rural Ireland have closed down because the life blood of youth has long departed. Vacant houses dot the landscape while great chunks of picturesque villages lie boarded up like the old wild west towns of 18 century America long after the gold rush was over. Repossessions are the norm, rents are unaffordable while homelessness is now normal. We live in a climate of fear.

Yes, tourism will still come to see what Ireland might have become had it not been for the Celtic tiger that roared yet died with a whimper. It’s faint pulse is still there through it’s dying eyes for corruption and unaccountability keeps hope still in it’s heart. There is nothing left to bargain with now except our ‘Cead Mile Failte’ and natural friendliness for the rest has been sold off for a stay of execution like an appeaser to a crocodile hoping he will be eaten last. The prostrated knee has been exalted as an act of courage and still people put up with it.

The question is: for how long more? They now tax our houses on the inflated price we paid for them; the water, that was already paid with our taxes, is already being double taxed in between all the other stealth taxes. How long more can we take it indeed?And still the golden circles and rampant cronyism exist as it always has.

There is one fact that the Irish Independent cannot wash over or distort while using false allegation of sexual abuse to support their hate campaign against Sinn Fein and Gerry Adams, and it is this: There would not have been any peace process without them, or any acceptance of the status-quo that is the northern Ireland conflict today. Jerry Adams persuaded an entrenched and uncompromising IRA to do the opposite and that is make compromise, to decommission, to embrace the peace process. That took courage, reckless if not suicidal courage.

Even by some die hard Irish republican’s today he is seen as a traitor for doing those things, and by the mainstream corrupt political parties of the south supported by their media in the form of the Irish Independent for doing them as well. The latter just wanted the party, their own personal party to go on as before. 

Gerry has long been in a seemingly no win situation but he is winning slowly the will of the Irish people north and south. The main reason he is vilified and hated by politicians in the south of course, is because they fear, not the long de-commissioned and imaginary guns, but accountability and transparency and above all real change. Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein I believe will give the Irish people that positive change and their courage back in this climate of fear.

If they do not deliver, then, as always, they should be voted out of office, but at the very least they should be allowed, without vile and hysterical prejudice, to be voted in.

Barry Clifford

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