Saturday, December 21, 2013

Barry Clifford: Computer Generated

I became a little miffed today that yet another letter from my bank was telling me that my mortgage was in arrears. Reminding me that they had wrote already, their carefully worded letter carried veiled threats of legal action and loss of protection, privileges and common courtesy. It was in my best interests apparently to do something about it or else.  Alarmed, I called the bank hoping to talk to a real person.

After the usual menu of taped voices, an actual dial tone sounded and I was talking to a real person, well, sort of…….. After asking who was the author of the scribble written on the letter, the ‘real person’ told me that that was just a computer generated letter. He became rather defensive when I asked him surely it took a human to enact or delete this message. Without losing stride in his computer generated personality, he asked me calmly would I be in a position to pay the arrears. I, rather frustrated at this stage, told him that it was his companies mistake or was he just joking all along. The absence of any emotive response told me that he was waiting for further instructions from cyber space.

In order to make amends for this damming mistake on both our parts, though me to a lesser extent, I offered a monthly payment plan that seemed to me to be fair and balanced which was to be paid over 12 months. At that point agreement could not be reached for the ‘ real person’ may have felt I was now having a joke at his expense, which is about the only expense that may be free from a bank. His voice trailed off and the call ended. The total amount that I owned the bank was the grand total of €0.38 cents or thirty eight cents exactly.

Barry Clifford

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