Sunday, April 6, 2014

In This Paper We Trust

“I just gave that guy ten million dollars and all he gave me was a piece of paper.”
Tony Montana in Scarface (1982)

“I have returned from Germany with Peace for our time”
Neville Chamberlain holding a piece of paper called the Munich Agreement in 1938

“In God We Trust.”
American dollar bill

No person shall bury any dead in any suppressed monastery, abbey, or convent, upon forfeiting ten pounds, which sum shall be recovered from any person present at the burial; one half to the informer, one half to the minister and church wardens of the parish where such offences shall be committed. Appeal may be made to the next judges of assize or to the justice of the peace at the next quarter sessions.
Penal laws of Ireland in 1697

High and mighty Lords
Yesterday the ship the Arms Of Amsterdam arrived here. It sailed from New Netherland out of the River Mauritius on the 23 Of September. They report that our people are in good spirit and live in peace. The women also have borne some children there. They have purchased the island Manhattes (Manhattan) from the Indians for the value of 60 guilders. It is 11,000 morgens (22,000 acres) in size. They had all the grain sowed by the middle of May, and reaped by the middle of August. They sent samples of  these summer grains: wheat, rye, barley oates, buckwheat, canary seeds, beans and flax….

Extract from the bill of sale for Manhattan in 1626  

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