Thursday, June 26, 2014

Barry Clifford: Religious Based Intolerance

It is not religions by itself, which I find irrational anyway, but the religious intolerance of others that they deem to be different from them because of their sexuality, their opposing religion, their atheism or agnostic beliefs. Of course by no choice of mine I was proclaimed a Catholic as a child and any get out clause for me has been shut down by this church in recent times. This enables them to claim for their statistics that I am one of over 1.2 billion Catholic’s in the world. Of course I find this intolerable in a non-caring tolerable kind of way. Still, there has been progress since the inquisitions of days gone by but they have not got there yet. Normally it is the people that they claim to serve but who are really serving them that ends up bending their ear a bit to bring them into the present, and if they were not then the old days would be back with a vengeance because unchallenged power will always corrupt. Their obsession with sex is, as usual, always at the forefront of how they have always thought and acted on those impulses.

The father of all Fr Trendy’s, Pope Francis, is now trying to show a different face to how his tribe sees gay people with an eye to keeping the numbers up as well from gay people’s children. Much ado has also been said about Francis’s comment that ‘who is he to judge a gay man who is searching for God’ though I feel he may be talking only about the Catholic version. On that he is right but does it matter? His cannon law book considers the sexual acts of gays to be morally evil which pretty much calls them evil as well, and should not matter as cannon law has as much weight in civil law as a water pistol against a jihadist trying to cleave your head from your shoulders because he thought you were just an infidel, and never mind that you might be a gay one too; with that wisdom he might cut off more than the head. The Islamic versions that exist in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen one way or the other will give death as the only cure for gay people. Closer to home, as in Ireland, gays are safe from those excesses, but it seems there is no cure anyway or is there for the Catholic Church certainly thinks there is one

But it does matter what religions think of gays if nothing else because of the influence of the messages that they send out to their faithful, and you cannot have it both ways. Here in Ireland, which is 90% plus Catholic, on the one hand the Church decries gay people as evil, depraved, and unless they are wholly celibate, they are all damned to hell as well; and on the other they say it is wrong that they are the objects of violent malice in speech and action. This misnomer of speech itself might have just gone over their heads, and the next attack on a gay person by some cross wielding serial mass-goer with the IQ of a goldfish might be prevented by a more softer message from Pope Francis that sex between consenting adults is really just like food that depends on what you fancy with different strokes for different folks kinda thing best left to themselves.

Barry Clifford  

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