Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Emperor Hoare Has No Clothes

He was short and felt it, yet believing he was better than everyone else because the alternative was too frightening: which was to face himself and what he had become. So just like any similar type who had this inner conflict he compensated by bullying those he believed he could bully. That was a while back and early successes bred more of this cowardice along the way. 

Back then, 2004 to be exact, one of the people that stood in the way of this despot builder/developer was an elderly pensioner, Mrs Madden, that lived in Newcastle in Galway. Hoare had bought two houses either side of her and she was a hinderance to his ambitions for he wanted her house as well to build an apartment block with easy money borrowed from a friendly bank. She must be got rid of with everything short of murder. Thats when it all began: an eighteen month terror campaign of torment and torture that all but worked; but she was tougher than he thought.

Rave parties were held at both Hoare’s houses every weekend and windows and furniture regularly smashed. Rubbish was allowed to accumulate on the lawns and rats soon took up residence as well. Mrs Madden said she had been threatened and intimidated by one tenant in particular and had to move out of her own home because she feared for her life. Mrs Madden and her neighbour Mrs Maura Dalton described how their gardens had been vandalised following a court order made the previous year, ordering Mr Hoare to vacate both houses and make them secure, so that people could not get back in. Flower pots had been broken and excrement was put on Mrs Madden's doorstep. The rave parties continued regardless. 

Hoare was consumed by the rage of his thwarted ambitions. He had now been ordered to ‘paint’ the houses after they were to be made secure yet again. The devil was in the detail and the judge should have known better. Hoare later painted the houses with pitch black paint from top to bottom and over all the windows and doors.

The judge commented: “These two appalling squats were neglected by the landlord to such a degree that it prompts the question: Was he hoping Mrs Madden would move out and put her lifelong home up for sale?” Check out the brain on this judge !!!He awarded Mrs. Madden €30,000 compensation including costs. Hoare borrowed that money from his friendly bank as well and he never did get his planning permission. 

Still, after that he bullied others and harassed and refused to pay more than a few honourable sub-contractors to help get his confidence back, and he was soon back to his own self again. Ten years later the conman would finally meet his match: another conman.

By 2014 Michael and his clever accounting wife Mary, owed the friendly banks over €7, 400,000, except they were not so friendly now. They wanted their money back, or to be exact, taxpayers money, for this toxic bank belonged to us now whether we liked it or not. The best laid plans of mice and men… and all that stuff, it seems that Michael Hoare was not too good at developing, or his wife at accounting. Somewhere along the way the Celtic tiger’s roar was reduced to a whisper just before it died altogether.  Somebody’s loss was going to be someone’s else’s gain and the Emperor Hoare had no clothes and it was finally known to all as well.

Their barrister convinced them, because he knew now not only were they greedy but a bit thick as well, that after losing in the High Court they had a real chance that they could win in the Supreme Court, the highest and last appeal place in the land, to get out from under their debts. The fix was in. They duly went along with his master plan, but justice, or the lack of it, is expensive at this court: the court of actors, charlatans and thieves. 

Their original judgement against them was reduced to around €5,600,000 as one guarantee was unenforceable, but the rest of the loans stood still owed as they rested on the solid bedrock of an unarguable and un- winnable case.  But then the clock had always been ticking on the interest for that amount, and we must not forget the barristers have to be paid on top of the solicitors. Together this will mitigate greatly any gains on that day which put the Hoare’s right back where they started, or indeed much further in debt. Without perhaps fully understanding it, they had simply transferred part of their debt to another small group of conmen. Men wearing false wigs should always be handled with great and suspicious care.

The Supreme Court judge also commented that ‘one’ could only have sympathy with people such as the Hoares who "were caught with large loans when the economic crisis and the fall in house prices occurred". 

'One' could indeed have sympathy with the Hoare’s but it would be extremely hard to find two.

Barry Clifford

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