Thursday, March 12, 2015

You can stop a thief but you cannot stop a liar; The Gerry Adams smear continues

Gerry Adams is, as usual, being blamed by the Irish Independent for everything from gun running, money laundering, fuel smuggling, the cover up of paedophiles, and the Irish weather. The latter may well be true. When the roads are well and truly smeared against him and Sinn Fein, the politicians usually fill in whatever dirt they think will hold in the crevices left over. It is the sheer and relentless hate filled volume of their apoplectic and vicious accusations that is now working against the Independent and what passes as a government in this land. Gerry, it must be said, has shown the patience and conviction of a man that will not be broken, for he has survived and endured much worse than this . 

You can stop a thief but you cannot stop a liar. It is that liar that can do much damage by accusation in the form of a question; by innuendo, by suggestion and all without accountability before the courts. Carefully crafted, just to ask a man is he a paedophile or has covered up for one by association in anyway, directly or indirectly by itself, you are not liable for slander because it has been posed as a question. The question itself is the guilty verdict. So where  does that leave Gerry Adams and Enda Kenny in this no win and very grey area? There is hardly a frame of reference that will do any good to begin with. Of course the real point is to distract and blame Gerry for anything to hide what is really going here.

Enda Kenny is soon to join Ahern and Cowen on €3000 a week pension, while those who elected them continue on in existential and unchanged poverty that passes as our new ‘economic recovery.’ Kenny, and ‘his’ covenant between the people has long been broken and gone, strides across his stage today paying cohorts lip service by varying degrees of cronyism. Yet he only throws mud at Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein without once answering the hard questions of corruption that has defined this country’s political malaise, and one that is so entrenched we have nothing left to bargain with now except how far lower can we go to prostrate and prostitute oneself on bended knees to the EEU that now rule us.

The EU are the natural decedents of a long line of rulers that have altered the DNA structure of Irishness. There were the Vikings before them, then the normans, and then England followed just before the Catholic church. By then we were pliable for almost anything where corruption replaced pride and courage. I suppose it still was the EU all along back in those days, except they were loose mercenaries within the looser federation of ancient history. It is Sinn Fein today, the natural descendants of a leftover gene, that thankfully remained unaltered in the main, who represents that part of Irishness that was never altered or will allow itself be and enshrined in one word: courage. 

When Kenny said: “We can’t have a situation that known paedophiles were moved around the country for political purposes and God knows how many children have been in danger as a result” it was his subconscious thoughts that were brought to the surface. He really was talking about the Catholic Church and it’s institutions where it’s bulwark were the successive craven governments that served it well including the one that is serving them now.

There would have been more of a chance at justice being served against a rapist or a paedophile at the hands of the recently de-commissioned and stood down IRA before the peace agreement than there ever would be now in our non-transparent and non-accountable government. The reality is the kangaroo’s with wigs have long since served at the four courts in Dublin. The facts are indisputable and it’s record against children still drips in blood and cover-up.

In fact, it’s gerry Adams embrace of the peace agreement and it’s existing government supports that is naive, for if he believes that victims will get justice at the hands of a thinly veiled democracy that is called the Irish Republic, then I will read him a bedtime story that starts with the line: Once upon a time….. 

It is this state that is a history of cover up’s. Joan Burton said that if Gerry Adams were a bishop he would be asked the hard questions. The reality is that the government have always been asked the hard questions and yet, 93 years on as a banana republic, we are still waiting for the answers.

Barry Clifford

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