Monday, September 14, 2015

Richard Dawkins and 201 Mosques

Richard Dawkins has lambasted Saudi Arabia's "sick" offer to build 200 mosques for refugees in Germany, as the Gulf state still refuses to shelter those fleeing war-stricken Syria.
Dawkins, 74, branded the news "either a sick joke or sick insult to German generosity" on Thursday after reports emerged that the wealthy Arab state offered to build the mosques in the European country, which is expecting to take 800,000 refugees this year.
While thousands of refugees make the perilous journey across continents to European countries, Saudi Arabia and five other Gulf states have offered zero settlement places. 
Dawkins said the news was "certainly sick", adding he is "horribly afraid it might not be a joke".
The atheist, biologist and author added that the only thing that could be "more useless to refugees in Germany than 200 mosques" was 201 mosques.
Kathryn Snowdon

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