Friday, February 28, 2014

Barry Clifford: Something’s You Need To Do Every Week

Exercise more - even less than 10 minutes daily (Slowly)

Spend more times with family (the ones you like anyway) and friends (If you have a friend) for two hours a week

Get outside every day for at least 20 minutes and at least walk a little. If it rains or is cold then dress for the occasion (excuses is another word for lazy)

Help others- just another 2 hours a week as will do it (There are 168 hours in a week) 

Smile more- it creates positive thoughts and well being (no time limit)

Walk more assuredly, carry better posture, and you will feel the mood (no time limit)

Write down which people make you sad; what medium like TV shows makes you sadder- then get rid of them all for good.

Be selective in your thoughts and stick to the good ones only (no time limit)

Beware of causes; you just might be getting used (no time limit)

Don’t take life seriously. It started off giving you everything and that’s call life itself. It’s only demand is you appreciate the gift and start living before the realisation you were always asleep. Still, better late than never.

Now, about going for that walk......

By Barry Clifford

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